Happy New Year!

Happy 2019, y'all!  I hope yours is getting off to a great start! As last year and Project Gratitude wound to a close, I was pondering a new challenge. Artiquitous first came into existence over 8 years ago as a crappy photo blog. My skills and smartphone technology were just not up to snuff. The clever name was the best thing about it back then, in my opinion. I was surprised to see that the domain was still available after letting it go for years. If you filter posts by the "Vintage" label, you'll see the remnants- a few original shares including photos and office doodles that I'm shameless enough to let ride.

Over the past year I've been experimenting with digital photo manipulation as a hobby on Instagram. The shared creations earned me a modest following. I've decided to revive Artiquitous to showcase my favorite pieces, and eventually offer goods sporting original design. The Etsy shelves are currently bare, but we'll get there!

Priority one over the next month is to fulfill my promise to letter recipients of Project Gratitude and get copies of my first novel, In Verse, into their hands. Progress on my final pass through the proof with a pen can be followed on this Facebook page.

In Summary, Artiquitous 2019 will offer the following:
  • Original art and photography
  • Swag bearing it [eventually]
  • Results of a 52-week photography challenge [Details here  - Join me!]
  • The work of other artists that impress me as my mind unfolds with the year.

I hope you'll join me for the ride!

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